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Saturday, October 29, 2011

How To Discipline Your Toddler | Tips To Help Discipline Your Toddler

Learning about disciplining your child can seem like a really hard thing to do, especially when you're struggling to control yet another tantrum, but it's a lot easier than you think. You need to start getting the discipline right from the earliest age possible; otherwise it will be harder and harder to turn them around as they grow up.

Don't put away the pretty or breakable items that are lovingly placed around your home. Use the word "no" when your little one begins to reach for those precious items, thereby stopping the action of touching things he/she shouldn't. It's no different than teaching them that something is hot or dangerous. Your child will begin to understand the meaning.

Be strong and be firm but be patient.You are trying to teach your child a new way to live. How long would you take to change your whole outlook on life? Give this flexibility to your child, sometimes they will get it wrong and sometimes they will get it right, here is where the next step comes in.

You should create a schedule for your child's meals and have them wake up at the same time every day. They should always know what activities to expect, whether it's walking, playtime, reading, etc. Giving your child this clarity in daily activities is how your child will become well mannered compared to a toddler's schedule that is scattered.

Your toddlers are constantly taking cues from you and you need to be aware of that so you can avoid talking or behaving a certain way in front of them. Have model traits that you wish to cultivate in your toddlers: honesty, respect, kindness, tolerance.

By encouraging a good behavior! Every time you see he done something good and behaved the way you want him too - pamper him with a candy or a new toy! You can also promise him that if he behaves you'll give him a little surprise!

Look around your place. Is there any of your stuff that might be dangerous for him? Anything made of glass or crystal, you'd better move them. Rather than yelling at him not to touch those stuffs because you're afraid they might get hurt if they fall and break into pieces, it would be better to just avoid it from happening.

Think of the fact that you are still dealing with toddlers and one of the common roadblocks you might experience with them is that they would hardly listen to what you have to say. So if the situation is not that major anyway, you can simply find a way to distract them from nagging at you on something or from doing something not nice. Distract their attention with something that they are interested with.

Do not hit your child: While you may get frustrated, nothing can take back hitting your child for a mistake they make, mostly unknowingly. Always remember the basic goodness of children. They are mostly testing and learning and it's your job to keep them from destroying themselves and others during this process.

The most important aspect of discipline is consistency. You may be thinking you've never been consistent. We all have things about ourselves that need changing and you can change your habits. Another important aspect of discipline is that both parents are "on the same page".

If you are in public and you must restrain your child, and you want to discipline your child the right way, take the child outside, to a car or another location, and sit with them while they calm down, but do not feed into the tantrum by ceding control.

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