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Saturday, October 29, 2011

How to Find Healthy Snacks For Your Children | Healthy Snacks For Toddlers

Most children love snacking and as such, if they are left unattended are susceptible to over indulge in the activity and this is one major way to risk heart diseases and obesity. With this in mind, it is important for parents to find better alternatives to the common junk snacks preferred by young children by replacing them with something that is equally sweet but of a higher health benefit.

Right when the kids burst through the door after school their asking what's to eat. To keep them eating healthy it's good to have food already served. Have your approved serving size already made up in individual containers or bags for each child. Having their serving ready will keep them from eating too much and ruining dinner.

Chop carrots and celery and then mix them together in a small bowl with ranch salad dressing. Then, cut a slice of pita bread in half and fill each pocket with the veggie mixture.

Kids will eat just about anything that's covered in yummy peanut butter! Spread peanut butter onto a cracker (or a rice cake). Add a couple of apple slices then top with another cracker to form a little cracker sandwich.

Other great snacks for kids with food allergies include dried fruits that are unsweetened, rice cakes that are topped with sunflower butter, popcorn that is air-popped and drizzled with oil, apple slices with sunflower or soy butter spread on them and whole-wheat tortillas cut into triangles and toasted with fresh salsa, bean dip and guacamole.

Banana's are also a good source of fiber, helping you to stay full and satisfied. In addition, they are one of the best sources of potassium, which helps your muscles and nerves function properly, maintains proper electrolyte balance in your body, and helps lower your risk of high blood pressure.

Fruits are a given. They are like the best healthy snacks for toddlers. Apple slices to applesauce, bananas and oranges. Fruit is the best given to your child in the natural state if all possible. If you must give frozen or canned then do so. If you do choose canned then make sure it is in water or the natural juices.

Baked tortilla chips and whole wheat crackers or pitta triangles are perfect, nutritious and kid-pleasing accompaniments for dips, too.There are a lot of ready made snacks that are available in the market place in the present time however it is better to prepare something healthy for your child than relying completely on these snacks.

Homemade carrot and tomato juice can be filled with many other whole foods that children may not realize are there. And making them at home means you do not have to worry about overloading children with the sodium that comes in store bought juices.

Legumes may be a little bit more difficult, as some children tend to be picky eaters. When prepared properly, however, this becomes an extremely healthy snack for children that they will enjoy eating.While you are making the transition to healthy eating, focus more on finding healthy foods to enjoy together than you do on what is supposed to happen when. You'll fall into a new, healthy routine together as you grow used to your new foods.

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