Anger is a very common emotion and problem that a lot adolescents and their parents are having to face. Between the ages of 13 - 18 years is a time in an individual's life where there is great uncertainty and a time where a lot of changes are occurring both; physically, intellectually and emotionally.
Anger can spring out of nowhere to challenge innocent requests and reasonable expectations. Yet kids between the age of twelve and sixteen sometimes react in unpredictable ways, surprising those around them and even themselves and requiring the intervention of adolescent anger management strategies.
In this way, the parents could find out if any of their friends has experienced being in the same situation as their child, and what are the steps they took to handle it. The guardians or parents should acquire the listings of any mental health institution available.
You feel hot and angry and you're ready for a fight. A little too rudely, you ask your mom if you can go out. She responds to your tone of voice and says "no." You explode and scream, "I knew you were going to say that!" You go to your room and slam the door. You kick the bed and throw yourself down and think hateful thoughts.
It was quite strange, there did not seem to be a catalyst to my daughters anger problem, there was no family break or other trauma which you would normally associate with such an issue. It seemed to gradually grow, my daughter laughs about it now and has stated that she did not understand what was wrong with her at the time and just put it down to puberty.
Handling anger is basically about empowerment, about being capable of assessing the circumstances and taking constructive decisions rather than recklessly acting on impulse. It is quiet easy to lash out at the very sight of opposition but it takes immense self-control to be sensible in such a situation and act logically.
As a parent, a friend or a teacher, it is essential to take note of problems with anger because they can and they will escalate. They do develop into more harsh words, physical abuse and they can even become self destructive. Therefore, those that have found their child dealing with anger management need to do something about it.
Knowing the trigger points would be one wise tool to managing anger better. There are usually common issues or actions that set off a teenager's anger, and by constantly taking note of the typical cause, future possible hysteria may be avoided.
Avoid power struggles: when the parent or adult in charge jumps in with threats of punishments, the teen's anger will escalate and so will the adult's. In the end, nothing is resolved. The teenager feels treated unfairly, and understands that the anger felt is wrong and should not be expressed, thereby encouraging the build-up of underlying anger.
Getting help for your and your teens anger issues doesn't have to be overly expensive and, honestly, that's why many people don't seek treatment. With the invention and popularity of the internet, you can find anger management class online or in person group classes or private therapy that will assist you and your teen with the anger issues that can set you off and how to deal with it when it happens.
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