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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tips For Potty Training Toddlers | Great Toilet Training Tips For Toddlers

Potty training toddlers is a big milestone in a parent's and child's life. Unfortunately for many parents, it is also a big test on their patience; constantly cleaning up wet and smelly accidents day after day as your child gets used to the new adjustments.Silly as it may seem, you potty train the doll. The doll is a great teaching tool, it should not be seen as a toy. You will be using the doll to model correct behavior.

Try not to leave your little one's feet dangling while they sit on the loo as this can sometimes hinder bowel movements. Put a little box or stool down so that your toddler can rest their feet and make using the loo as easy as possible.

A child needs to have communication skills and that includes understanding, and being able to carry out, simple instructions. They must be physically able to walk and sit down unaided and be able to pull up and down their own pants. They should also be displaying some control over urinary and bowel functions and be free from undue stress.

It is best to toilet train your child at the age of 18 months to 4 years old. Anything earlier is likely a waste of time as children below that age has no or little control over the bladder and bowel movements. As the child gets older, his / her bladder capacity is larger so toilet or potty training can be achieved much faster.

Make efforts to get the kid interested in the Potty training toddlers. Involve him by choosing his favorite potty with him. There are plenty of options available and you could find something that pleases your little one. You could even take help from books, DVD's and charts on potty training. Or simply reward the child on every successful trip to the toilet.

Self-control acts as a significant part when toilet training toddlers so, stay positive and remember that this is new to your toddler. Just have patience that is all that should be said.

If your child is able to run & walk very well & can make it quickly to the toilet so that he or she can reach the toilet in time shows his or her toilet training readiness. This is because toilet is just few steps away so that he or she can reach there before occurrence of any accident.

The use of bribes to getting our children to do things have been in use for hundreds of years. Get some small candies like M & M's, Skittles or mini candy bars, and tell them they can have some each time they use the potty.Parents that are simply too stressed for time can make use of the one-day potty training program which allows you to teach your child basic potty use skills in one day.

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