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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Eating Disorders in Children | How To Identify Eating Disorders in Children and Teenagers

Eating disorders also called is Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia. Eating disorders is important to recognize that each factor plays a role in predisposing, precipitating, or perpetuating the problem. Anorexia nervosa compulsive eating are the most common among such young children, but there are cases of bulimia being reported.

Avoid placing judgments upon people who do not meet your standards for beauty. Refrain from giving critical comments like, "You"ll look more beautiful if you lose some pounds," or "Don't eat so much. It will make you fat."

Children who were victims of emotional or physical abuse are also at high risk of developing the disease. They might try to relieve their feelings and try to gain control of an otherwise unmanageable situation by resorting to food and controlling their eating habits.

Using food as a reward or punishment is equally damaging and can lead to eating disorders that swing either toward over-eating or under-eating. Think about what you are saying to your child when you either withhold food as punishment or offer unhealthy food as a reward.

Just like adults, they are prone to the pressures of media stereotypes where being rake like is the norm and anything else is simply deemed over-weight. It would also seem that if a parent or an adult close to them has suffered an eating disorder then the child is more likely to contract the disorder as they strive to copy their role models.

GPs are more likely to see a patient who has anorexia or bulimia for other psychological or physical symptoms. Common physical concerns include anxiety or depression, self-harm and inappropriate concerns about weight or body shape.

By understanding your child´s needs and offering unconditional love and support you will be protecting them from today´s peer pressure. Praise them for eating well and keeping fit, get them to help with the cooking. Education is key in the upbringing of our children today. Help decrease eating disorders be more aware of your child´s behavioral patterns.

Mothers are often happy if their children love to eat. This is acceptable unless this trend becomes an uncontrollable passion. Passion to eat and eat. If being full almost always seems a far off trip, then, it's time to watch. The child might be toying with binge.Prepare meals with portion control in mind. This will help to eliminate the request to eat their entire meal.

Teach your child its on the inside that counts the most- Show by example that people should be accepted for who they are, not what they look like on the outside.

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