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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Benefits of Participating in After-School Activities | The Importance and Need For After School Activities

Despite a full day at school and coming home hungry and exhausted, a child still has the energy to go out and participate in what is called an after-school extra-curricular activity. Depending on his preferences and interests as well as his parents' financial capability, these activities can include a lot of things.

There are many times in after school programs that the child can interact with a role model that is not necessarily a teacher. These types of relationships can help the child build confidence. For some with one parent at home, it gives them interacting with more adults of both genders to have a better understanding of who people are.

Another great benefit of afterschool programs for middle-schoolers are the health benefits. After school programs are inherently more active than watching TV or playing video games. More physical activities for kids will allow them to get a better night's sleep, and may help prevent obesity.

Kids seem to be experimenting with drugs at younger and younger ages. The sooner they start, the more time they have to ruin their lives before they even get started. The rocket was killed before it even had a chance to launch from the pad.

Dance class or a martial arts or whatever the extra activity might be, it will help in your child's development. Academics is important but it is not the only important thing in your child's education - activities like dance classes, sports expand your child's horizons.

Young kids, especially boys, love the idea of karate. Building strength and self esteem, this means of self defense is fun and it instills discipline. It's also a great form of exercise and a real winner among boys.

Another 'big' concern with our children today is how prone they are to obesity. With the advent of computer games, internet communication, junk food and a lack of parental discipline our children s health is at a great risk and must be taken seriously.

It is also important to note that children who have taken part in extracurricular activities like sports develop more strength, stamina and get better grades than children who are shy and do not participate.

Activity groups in after school programs also have group leaders who are entrusted with certain duties to perform or being responsible for the members of his/her group. Being encouraged to take leadership helps boost the child's confidence.

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